Group Homes

Group homes provide long-term shared living solutions for individuals with disabilities. Households are made up of 6-8 residents who often become like family. They are cared for by staff who are specially trained in each residents’ personal needs and are responsible for personal care and medication supervision as necessary. This program is funded through Indiana Medicaid. Group home residents spend their free time participating in activities that the group decides on – including outings to restaurants, community events, and even overnight vacations!

OE maintains six group homes in various communities across Porter County. State funding only supports the staff care provided to these individuals, and not the home purchase or maintenance. You can support these amazing people with disabilities by donating to help maintain their homes and continually upgrade the facilities to make them more accessible.
Each year, OE offers Neighborhood Assistance Program tax credits for donations made to support the program. Additionally, volunteers are appreciated to help maintain the yards, gardens, and landscaping at each of the homes.